This page is a work in progress. I
hope to collect more information on specific dealerships. If you have old
pictures or promotional items, please send me an email.
Jim Aikey was right near Chicago and was very successful selling 68-70 Shelbys. Aikey Ford
JD Ball was Florida's best Shelby dealer. They were also one of the best in the country. JD Ball Ford
Johnny Bolton was one of two Bolton brothers selling Shelbys. His dealership was near Orlando. Johnny Bolton Ford
Luke Bolton Ford was in Plantation, Florida, by Miami. He got a late start, but was very successful. Luke Bolton Ford
Lewis Boggus Ford was in Corpus Christi, Texas. Its most famous car wasn't a Shelby. Boggus Ford
Busby Ford in Nashville, Tennessee featured a bee as their mascot. Busby Ford
Frank Cate Ford was in Elk Grove, California. They had quite a collection of unusual cars. Cate Ford
Jack Gibbon's City Ford was in Watchung, New Jersey and very close to the New Jersey assembly plant. City Ford
Courtesy Ford was in Colorado and had a direct connection to Shelby. For reasons unknown, they ended up with a lot of
unique cars. Courtesy Ford
Dockery Ford was located in Morristown, NJ and has a rich racing history. Dockery Ford
Dominion Ford was a small dealer that packed a big punch. Dominion Ford
The Downey Ford Center is gone, but the spirit of the dealership lives on under a new name.
Downey Ford Center
Eastpoint had a short run, but they knew how to sell GT500 KR convertibles.
East Point Ford
El Paso Ford in Texas was the a dealership known for it's promotional give-aways.
El Paso Ford
Canada's premier dealership was Fogg Motors. Fogg Motors
Galpin Ford was in Sepulveda, CA. Sepulveda is gone, but Galpin remains in the same spot. Galpin Ford
Gotham Ford was in New York City and home to the greatest Shelby salesman ever, Bill Kolb. Gotham Ford
Al Grillo
was king of the east coast car dealers and then, he mysteriously disappeared. Al Grillo Ford
Hayward Ford was in California and was one of the largest dealers on the west coast. Hayward Ford
Hemphill-McCombs is still a giant in Texas. The owner is larger than life. Hemphill-McCombs Ford
Myers Ford was located in Houston, Texas. Myers loved the special paint cars! Joe Myers Ford
Northwestern Ford was located in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. They sold
hundreds of Shelbys. You will enjoy the vintage ads and photos on this page. Northwestern Ford
Paradise Ford was going great guns, until it was sold in 1967. The Coralsnake finds out what happened next...
Paradise Ford
Tall Paul's Ford was in Kansas City, Missouri. The only dealership I have run across that gave away real Ponies.
Paul's Ford
Pletcher Ford was near Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Where did their Shelby inventory go?
Pletcher Ford
Dub Richardson was located on Route 66 in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma.
Dub Richardson
If the dealer takes the motor before your buy the car, is it "missing" ?
Reynolds Ford
"Schlesinger and Corsiglia" are rarely mentioned, but they were the largest Shelby dealer on the west coast.
S & C Ford
Schmidt Ford was in Baltimore, Maryland. It is the home of the Coralsnake. Schmidt Ford
To the best of my knowledge, Selig-Knippel Ford only sold one
Shelby, but they did have a famous owner. Selig Ford
I would call Carroll Shelby a famous owner as well. His own dealership didn't break any sales records. Shelby Ford
PD Spaniol was located in Casper, Wyoming. They only sold Shelbys for two years. Spaniol Ford
Stark Hickey Ford was a stones throw from the Motor City, so you know it had some great cars. Stark Hickey Ford
The dealership that ruled the eastern part of Canada was without a doubt -Sud
Automobiles. Sud Ford
Marv Tonkin was well known in the Pacific northwest for his advertisements and special paint cars. Marv Tonkin Ford
Wallwork Ford was in Fargo, North Dakota near the border with Minnesota.
Wallwork Ford
Bill Watkin's Ford had some of the best ads I have seen. That is to say, they had some really interesting cars in them.
Watkins Ford
BJ Werner in Garfield, NJ probably holds the distinction of being the last dealer to sell a 1970 Shelby.
BJ Werner Ford
Wilmington Ford was a large dealer near Boston, Massachusetts. The big "W" sold more than a few 1968s.
Wilmington Ford
Yates Ford was a dealership near Saint Louis, Missouri. I have great, old photos and literature to share.
Yates Ford
Here are few more odds and ends. As I collect more,
I will add pages. Hopefully, these items will make it to a full dealer page
soon. Maybe you have some history on these dealerships to share? If you need
any of these items, please send me an email, they may be available!
Here's the script from Levittown Ford. I am not sure of the years it was used.
I don't think Shirley Ford was a franchise dealership, but they sold a 1969 Shelby.
I found this giant FORD sign on eBay for $300! The "D" has already been repaired and all the neon is in working order.
This is an original decal from Loh Ford in Bridgeport, Connecticut.
Years ago, no one would dare to put a dealer script back on their freshly restored car. This one is from Carey-Paul Ford
in Georgia. This website pays homage to all the vintage dealerships!
Tasca was a big east coast dealer. They came up with the idea for something called the "KR-8" also known as the Cobra Jet.
I think this decal was actually more popular than the metal nameplate.
Johnnie Harper was in Florida.
OZ Hall was in Birmingham, Alabama. They sold quite a few cars.
Amanda suspected the two holes in her deck lid were for a dealer emblem. When she found the Richards Ford
script, it was a perfect match!
Hysen Johnson was in San Luis Obispo, California. They only sold seven 1968s.
Courtesy Ford was a popular name. This one was in Texas. The car probably came from a franchise dealership.
Givan's was in Utah. Most likely their sales came through Bennet's Ford in Salt Lake City.
The factory direct advertisements filled magazines and newspapers from the 1960s. This cobra ad probably didnt produce too many customers.
Rice-Holman was in New Jersey. Its not a great shot, but it's a shot. I have also have a small trophy from this dealer. If you know something or
have an experience with this dealer, please email me.
Jordan Ford didn't sell many cars. They were located in San Antonio and use both the clip art and the character "Little Profit".
Spruill Ford ran this ad in the Kansas newspapers. I am still not sure if the upside down GT40 was intentional?
Ashley Ford had no problem predicting the future in this December 1969 advertisement.
Lumbertown Ford was in North Carolina. The first clue was your salesman's name was Billy Ray :-)
Ramp Motors was in Port Jefferson, New York.
This dealer name plate came from Topeka, Kansas.
An ashtray from Crown Ford in Nashville, Tennesee.
Shelby # 1585 was originally sent to Ed Martin Ford in Indianapolis,
Indiana. It was common for the Shelby franchise dealers to pass cars on to other
dealerships. This beautiful GT500 is showing off down under in Australia.
Colonial Ford was in National City, California. They sold less than a dozen
1968s. It did include one yellow fastback.
Buisness cards are cool.
Shelby American employee, Dave Claassen, was a parts specialist for the parent
company. Oh, what a neat job to have. Pass the superchargers please.
Chet Monez Ford was in
Fairfield, California and sold less than a dozen cars. Most of them were
fastbacks. This frame has taken a little bit of a beating :-)
Ford was in London, Ontario, Canada. Most of the twenty cars they sold were
GT500 KRs. But, only one was a yellow car.
Larry has a knack for
finding the license plate brackets. Russ Davis was a big dealer in California
and if I recall correctly sponsored some of the drag cars.
Theodore Robbins was
another Shelby dealer in California. Larry found this one.
Greg sent me this license
plate bracket from Bob Rice Ford in Idaho.
Ken found this awesome picture
of McCafferty Ford. They were in Trenton, New Jersey. Check out the funky
flooring ! Now, that's 1960 goodness.
McAnary Ford was in Gary,
Indiana. Tim found this original plate for his car and it was never even used.